Programs: Mission Houses Museum in Honolulu, Hawaii Wheaton Village, Millville, New Jersey (resident decoy carver) Cold Spring Village, Cape May, New Jersey Pioneer
Settlement, Barberville, Florida Longaberger American Heritage Events, Newark, Ohio Historic Roscoe Village, Coshocton,
Ohio Champlain Valley Exposition's Living History, Essex Junction, Vermont
Some of the ongoing
and current events Laurel works with during the year include: An Artist in Residence at the Shelburne Museum,
Shelburne, Vermont Cracker Country Living History at the Florida State Fair, Tampa, Florida Pioneer Village at
the Strawberry Festival, Plant City, Florida Decoys on exhibit at the Dennisville Historical Society & Museum as
part of the George Brewer Collection, Dennisville, New Jersey For the past 5 consecutive years has been selected as
one of Early American Life Magazine's Top 200 Best Traditional Craftsmen Exhibit for the Great Lakes Historical
Society at the Inland Seas Maritime Museum, Vermilion, Ohio: "Decoys: The Work and Collection of Laurel Dabbs" Ocean County Decoy and Gunning Competition in Tuckerton, New Jersey: First Place Working Shorebird Rig, Lloyd Parker Memorial
Award, 2006. Exhibiting since 2006 at the annual Waterford Homes Tour and Fine Crafts Exhibit, the premier juried invitational
Early American Arts event held in the National Historic Landmark Village of Waterford, Virginia since 1943. Waterford was
founded in 1733.
Galleries where Laurel's work is featured: "Colonial Retrospectives,
A Gallery." Located on South Spring Street in Harrisville, West Virginia, this is Country Cabinetmaker Gary Carter's
gallery, featuring traditional artists and artisans from West Virginia and the Ohio Valley. "The Chairmaker and
Friends" is Garrett Aston's gallery, showcasing his handmade Windsor chairs and early American furniture, mixed with
outstanding antique primitives and traditional American folk art made with considerable study of the heritage of our past.
Works in progress are also on view, on Center Street in Seville, Ohio.