HomeAbout usTrades organized by StateEast Knoll PotteryJohn Holzwart - BroomsHeart Felt CreationsRoger Abrahamson - Bowl TurnerReggie Delarm - Tape Loom WeaverLaurel Dabbs DecoysApplewood HandwovensShowcaseUpcoming EventsPhoto share of past eventsLinksForumMembership ApplicationJobs and VolunteersContact HATs


"The things which men have made... are inevitably the best witness. They cannot lie, and what they say is of supreme importance. For they speak of man's soul and they show who are his gods... Eric Gill


"Mention also must be made of those who, sometimes, against their wishes, I suspect, have kept aloof from the tendency toward modernity; who cook at old fashioned fires, old fashioned dishes and spread them upon old fashioned tables; who, mow with old fashioned scythe snaths and cart hay on old fashioned ox carts into old fashioned barns; who wear old fashioned clothes in old fashioned kitchens and eat apples grown on old fashioned trees."    --Charles D. Hubbard

This site is today's resource for:
Museums and Historic Sites, Libraries, Nature Centers, Nuseries and other groups looking for traditional craftsmen to demonstrate, entertain and teach at their location or event.
Tradesmen and women who are dedicated to  an Early American Trade... teachers, lectures & demonstrators for hire; knowledge base.

  • Demonstrating traditonal trades at Museums and Events
  • Lectures on the history, materials and lives of early tradesmen and women
  • Teaching about our trade and its' history
  • Learning about each others trades
  • Offering a variety of authentic, hand made in USA, necessaries for Reenactments and Museum demonstrations; and for todays homes
  • Sharing events

Made in USA...true traditional trade items for sale.

Sutlers supplies for French and Indian War, Revolutionary War, Civil War and Colonial Reenactments.

Click on photos below to direct you to the individual tradesmen & women's profile...

Reggie Delarm

John Holzwart

Cindi Etienne
Bob Etienne
Roger Abrahamson
Reggie Delarm
Laurel Dabbs
Rosy Dupuy

"Loose ended souls, whose skills bring scanty gold, and whom the poor house catches when they're old; rude country minstrels, men who doctor kine, or graft, and out of scions ten, save nine; creatures of genius they, but never meant to keep step with the civic regiment."   -- Lowell

Their is no weath but life. Life, including all its powers of love, of joy, and of admiration. That country is richest which nourishes the greatest number of noble and happy human beings...  John Ruskin